Sarah Evelyn Marsh
The second stage of this intergenerational project involved a group of young women from M3 Trinity House Community Centre, Rusholme. This group of 11-16 year olds met weekly after school and were extremely proactive and creative!
Having passed on the knitting skills I had learnt from the women at Studio One, the young women experimented by knitting with Strawberry shoelace sweets and various twines and strings. They created knitted sculptures that could be eaten, and experimented with spray paint to create 'knitted shadows' on the walls of the building.
The young women then shared their new found skills and experimental ideas with local groups for older alduts. Their confidence and ability in skills sharing was fantastic to see.
Through knitting, we were able to explore creative language, develop new skills, gain confidence, discuss personal issues, support one another and team build, along with many more invaluable life skills.
It was truly wonderful to watch both of these groups of women find their own creative paths.
We sit, we knit, we unwind.

We sit, we knit, we unwind.
This project took us on a journey. We 'followed the line' to knit together, unravel problems, talk about difficult subjects and discover endless creative possibilites.
Young Womens group from Trinity House Community Centre, Rusholme, Manchester.
In association with Manchester Art Gallery, the Gallery of Costume, Platt Hall and Artist and Educator Sarah Evelyn Marsh.

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