Sarah Evelyn Marsh
T h e s e n s o r y t o o l k i t : W e a r e o p e n
Space to experience, discuss, share and discover
Step inside this ‘3D sketchbook’ to experience an artist's journey of discovery, as she collates her practice into a ‘toolkit’, to nurture others' connections with the world around them.
Sarah Marsh is an artist and educator who has spent time focussing on a strand of her work that supports the needs of children with autism, within a gallery setting.
Since 2017, Marsh has developed her research by connecting with creative institutes and thinkers across Europe and Asia; implementing autism-friendly strategies and exhibiting her sensory-inspired work in galleries within Poland.
A move to Shanghai, China has opened up new ways to explore her sensory-engaged practice.
Inspired by the interactions with the children and families she has worked with, Marsh’s observations and experiences have evolved into a collection of handmade, interactive objects and ideas.
Marsh’s Tate Exchange residency celebrates how public spaces, such as Art galleries have embraced accessibility and awareness for the neurodiverse community.
The space will act as a platform for children, families, educators and other professionals to communicate. An interactive environment will be constructed and sensory-inspired taster workshops will be available during the week.
‘Inside’, prompt image, exhibited in Lublin, Poland June 2018
What is Tate Exchange?
Tate Exchange is an entirely new programme for the museum that explores how art makes a difference in society; working with the collection, artists, partners and the public on a socially relevant annual theme to do so. ... Tate Exchange is an open experiment that seeks to explore the role of art in society.
'The sensory toolkit: we are open' will be part of Tate Exchange 2019 programme. Tate Galleries, Liverpool Docks.
You can follow the progress of this project @thesensorytoolkit on Instagram.

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